Job Information

CK Construction Group Concrete Finisher/Perfil del Puesto de Acabador de Concreto in Westerville, Ohio

CK Construction Group has been providing construction services to private and public agencies since 1956. We have established a strong reputation within our markets by executing projects on time and within budget while adhering to strict quality control and safety measures. We have the people, equipment, construction materials, experience, and bonding capacity to complete most any size project. We offer comprehensive design phase and construction phase services under all delivery and contractual methods, including construction management, general contracting, design-build, and design-assist. In addition, we offer self-perform construction services including concrete, steel erection, carpentry, drywall and acoustical ceilings and an in-house AWI Certified mill shop. We are always looking for talent in the areas of engineering and construction management positions. Check out our website to learn more and apply today! Job Description: Para espanol, desplacese hacia abajo SUMMARY: Responsible for smoothing and finishing surfaces of poured concrete floors, walls, sidewalks, or curbs to specified textures. Closely interacts with other trade persons. RESPONSIBILITIES: Spread concrete to specified depth and workable consistency, using float to bring water to surface and produce soft topping Level, smooth, and shape surfaces of freshly poured concrete, using straightedge and float or power screed Finish concrete surfaces, using power trowel, or wets and rubs concrete with abrasive stone to impart finish Remove rough or defective spots from concrete surfaces, using power grinder or chisel and hammer Patch holes with fresh concrete or epoxy compound May sprinkle joints and edges, using edging tools, jointers, and straightedge May direct subgrade work, mixing of concrete, and setting of forms May specialize in finishing steps and stairways Other related duties upon request SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Must be able to lift and carry objects weighing up to 50 lbs. Must be able to stoop, kneel, crouch, crawl, and work at heights Must be able to climb and maintain balance on ladders and scaffolding Must be able to read and understand measuring tools and levels Must be able to follow specific directions Must be able to compare and see differences in size, shape, and form of lines, figures, and objects EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Completion of an apprenticeship program or an equivalent 4 - 6 years of concrete finishing experience is preferred. High School diploma or GED preferred. Descripcion del puesto: RESUMEN: El encargado de acabado de concreto alisa y acaba las superficies de suelos, paredes, aceras o bordillos de concreto vertido segun las texturas especificadas. Interactua estrechamente con otras personas de la misma profesion. RESPONSABILIDADES: Extender el concreto hasta la profundidad y consistencia especificadas, utilizando un flotador para llevar el agua a la superficie y producir una capa suave Nivelar, alisar y dar forma a las superficies de concreto recien vertido, utilizando una regla emparejadora y un flotador o una regla mecanica Acabar las superficies de concreto, utilizando una llana mecanica, o mojando y frotando el hormigon con una piedra abrasiva para dar el acabado Eliminar las partes rugosas o defectuosas de las superficies de concreto, utilizando una amoladora mecanica o un cincel y un martillo Parchear agujeros con concreto fresco o compuesto de epoxi Espolvorear juntas y bordes, utilizando herramientas para bordes, ensambladoras y reglas Dirigir el trabajo en el subsuelo, la mezcla de concreto y la colocacion de encofrados Especializarse en el acabado de peldanos/escalones individuales y escaleras completas Realizar otras tareas relacionadas a peticion APTITUDES Y CAPACIDADES: Capaz de levantar y cargar objetos que pesan 50 libras Capaz d
