Job Information

The City of Overland Park Kansas Civil Engineer Senior in Overland Park, Kansas

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TITLE: Civil Engineer, Senior

REPORTS TO: Supervisory Civil Engineer (222)

DEPARTMENT: Public Works

DIVISION: ? Engineering Division 3100

? Stormwater Engineering 3110

? Traffic Services 3200

JOB NO: 224




JOB SUMMARY STATEMENT: Acts as project manager for stand-alone traffic signal, street lighting, fiber optic

communication systems, signing, and pavement marking projects during design and construction with no supervision.

Prepares and reviews construction plans and specifications for traffic signals, streetlights, fiber optic communication

systems, signing, pavement markings, and work zone traffic control for conformance with Overland Park Municipal

Codes and Standard Details. Investigates resident requests for new traffic control devices (signs, pavement markings,

traffic signals, and street lighting) and responds appropriately. Helps coordinate activities related to the investigation

and installation of traffic calming measures. Assists with various mobility programs involving pedestrians, bicycles,

scooters and transit. Operates computer hardware, software, and various traffic data collection devices to assist in the

administration of Overland Park Municipal Codes. Reviews traffic studies and procedures. Coordinates City street

lighting program. Responsible for operational, technical, and management projects as assigned.


Serves as project manager for assigned projects with minimal supervisory oversight and directs project team members

in the performance of their duties to ensure that all design and construction is in compliance with Overland Park

Municipal Codes, Standard Details, and applicable City and other governmental requirements. Is responsible for

negotiating the consultant project scope and fee, managing the project schedule, funding and quality assurance, and

construction management, including determination of the lowest and best responsible bidder, approving payments to

contractors, and approving change orders and material submittals. Prepares preliminary engineering reports and costs.

Performs preliminary field reconnaissance, gathers all necessary data, and performs engineering analysis. Reviews

existing systems, researches design alternatives, and develops cost estimates. Discusses projects with Supervisory Civil

Engineer and City Traffic Engineer. May present and explain reports to assist the Governing Body in planning and

prioritizing Public Works projects. Completes as-built construction drawings and project data sheets required for

updating all traffic infrastructure in the City asset management software.

Reviews consultant-produced engineering plans for new construction involving construction or installation of traffic

signals, streetlights, fiber optic communication systems, signs and pavement markings, work zone traffic controls, and

construction phasing for conformance with Overland Park Municipal Codes, Standard Details, and good engineering

practice. Provides plan comments back to the consultant and monitors progress for revisions. Reviews catalog cuts

submitted by contractors and approves or rejects their use. Completes as-built construction drawings and project data

sheets required for updating all traffic infrastructure in the City asset management software. Prepares in-house design

plans, specifications and contract documents for capital or maintenance-related traffic engineering projects that

comply with Overland Park Municipal Codes and Standard Details. Visits the site and performs an engineering analysis

for street grades, driver vis ibility, existing utility locations (underground and overhead), and site design. Coordinates

with Traffic Engineering Technicians in the completion of the above projects and monitors project progress.

Continuously discusses the project with the affected public, and primary and sub-contractors. Coordinates efforts with

other departments involved with the project.

Perform various traffic studies such as speed studies, traffic signal warrants, vehicle crash data analysis, intersection

sight distance, etc., and make recommendations for improvements. Is able to run queries using the 2 crash database to

target locations that should be reviewed for accident reduction countermeasures. Coordinates with the Over
