Job Information

Dayton Borough Water & Sewer Operator/Borough Laborer in Dayton, Pennsylvania

Dayton Borough has a position available for a Water & Sewer Operator/Borough Laborer

No experience is needed for this position as current Operator will train how to run & operate the Borough's water & sewer systems.


Wages will be based on experience & on licensing.

To obtain the licenses, it will be necessary to have a criminal background check & take the required test for each license needed. 

Each license will require continuing education classes. 

All costs to obtain & retain licenses will be paid by the Borough.


Upon completion of training, duties will include:

Sampling water and reading water meters.

Repairing, maintaining and performing upkeep on water and sewer lines.

Road maintenance on Borough streets & alleys which includes repair and maintenance work, such as doing patch work, plowing & ashing.

Repairing and maintaining two parks, a basketball court  and a ball field. 

Mowing, weedeating & trimming are also required.


Borough offers benefits & a pension plan.
