Job Information

Construction Trades Staffing Pipe Layer in BUFFALO, New York

Performs any combination of the following tasks: grade trenches or culverts, position pipe, or seal joints. Install sanitary and stormwater sewer structures and pipe systems. Lay out pipe routes, following specifications or blueprints, and coordinating layouts with a supervisor. Cut pipes to required lengths. Assist in aligning pipes during pipeline construction. Align and position pipes to prepare them for welding or sealing. Check slopes for conformance to requirements, using levels or lasers. Connect pipe pieces and seal joints, using welding equipment, cement, or glue. Tap and drill holes into pipes to introduce auxiliary lines or devices. Cover pipes with earth or other materials. Grade and level trench bases, using tamping machines and hand tools. Other general labor and construction-related duties as required. Must have the physical ability to stand in strenuous and dangerous work environments. Must be comfortable working in 15ft to 20ft trenches and other confined spaces. Possess physical strength to dig and perform general labor with laborer crews, including digging by hand. Able to communicate effectively with others and work cooperatively in teams (including resolving basic conflicts with or without the assistance of management). Handle emergencies, work pressure, and stress. Able to solve basic, common-sense problems. Able to work with general supervision and use some experience/judgment. Must have a flexible schedule (make work irregular or odd hours in outdoor work sites, depending upon project needs or weather), including nights and weekends.
