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Job Information

Stantec Senior Fire Engineer in Birmingham, United Kingdom

We have a fantastic opportunity for a Senior Fire Engineer, to join our thriving Fire team in one of our nationwide offices.

Our Fire Engineering team is one of the UK’s largest operating within a leading multi-disciplinary consultancy. It’s growing reputation for quality and responsiveness has resulted in exceptional growth and the group is now represented in all regional capitals within England, Scotland and Wales.

You will work closely with colleagues of various disciplines and have an existing project portfolio which includes high-profile projects with regional, national and international clients.

We are a close-knit team that works collectively towards challenges. We value the input of all members of the team and encourage everyone to bring ideas to the table. This is one region of six that the Fire Engineering Division operate in, throughout the UK and international markets, with over 100 staff in the Fire Safety Division.

Projects: We have a diverse portfolio of work, operating in the typical sectors of Residential, Commercial and Education, as well as more specialist sectors such as Aviation, Battery Storage, Data Centres, Healthcare, High-Hazard and Nuclear.

The team provides the following services to clients:

  • Advisement on applicable codes, standards and guidance

  • Fire engineering design and analysis

  • Fire strategy development

  • Advisement on regulatory code compliance

  • Means of escape design and analysis

  • Evacuation analysis and pedestrian flow modelling

  • Structural fire protection design and analysis

  • Structural optimization analysis

  • Fire impact analysis

  • External fire spread analysis

  • Smoke control design and analysis

  • Computational Fluid Dynamic Analysis

  • Design and specification of fire protection systems

  • Construction phase consultation service

  • Third party peer review.

Post occupation services:

  • Fire management plan development

  • Fire evacuation plan development

  • Fire risk assessment.

As a Fire Engineer within our busy fire engineering team, you will have project management responsibilities for the delivery of fire engineering. You will support the Director of Fire Engineering to implement the company business plan, managing a team of up to ten people in the delivery of fire engineering projects, while supporting existing clients and develop new opportunities.

You will be responsible for the delivery of technically excellent Fire Engineering design on a number of projects as well as detailed design to construction status information and beyond into Post Occupancy Evaluation. You will be involved in site inspections and reporting throughout construction.


You will be qualified with a relevant BSc/ BEng/ MSc/ MEng in Fire Engineering or equivalent.

You will have previous experience working in a fire engineering consultancy, delivering fire strategy and fire safety consultancy services. Strong knowledge of relevant building regulations and fire safety standards.

Most importantly, you will have a passion and talent for fire engineering.

About Stantec

What's great about the Stantec

As a global design leader with over 31,000 engineers, architects, scientists, and project managers, the Stantec is dedicated to designing with communities in mind. Our diverse expertise allows us to tackle projects of all sizes from complex urban developments to impactful neighbourhood initiatives, while connecting across our worldwide network to support one another and share knowledge. This commitment not only helps the communities we serve to thrive but enriches the growth and experience of our own people.

In the UK and Ireland, our growing team of 4,000 is both agile and influential, able to make a meaningful difference by creating solutions that respect the environment and enhance community value. Whether you’re just starting your career or are an experienced professional, your voice is valued here. Our collaborative culture encourages entrepreneurial thinking, ensuring everyone’s ideas are heard.

Our approach for clients is grounded in the belief that we’re stronger together. By merging Hydrock’s capabilities with Stantec’s multidisciplinary services in buildings, infrastructure, environmental science, energy, and sustainability, we’re uniquely positioned as a major force in the UK market, providing a powerful platform for future growth.

What We Offer:

  • Inspiring and supportive colleagues

  • Recognition for hard work and career progression

  • Opportunities to develop both technical and soft skills

  • Competitive starting salary

  • Community involvement through “Stantec in the Community” initiatives

  • Flexible benefits, including a green car leasing scheme

A Culture of Inclusion and Opportunity

The Stantec champions diversity, equity, and inclusion. As an Equal Opportunity Employer, we’re committed to creating a supportive environment where every employee can perform at their best. Flexibility is essential to our culture, and we aim to accommodate all employees fairly.

We consider all application individually with the required qualifications and knowledge without regard to any of the protected characteristics. We would like to provide everyone with a fair selection, assessment and employment experience so we ask with are made aware of any physical or neurodiverse condition within your application for which appropriate reasonable adjustments can be made by us.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Once you’ve applied through our careers site, we strive to respond promptly after reviewing your application.

The employer for this position is Hydrock Consultants Ltd, part of the Stantec of companies.

ReqID: 7066
