Job Information

Worknet Staffing Geoprobe Coring Assistant / Entry Level in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

[Worknet Staffing is searching for a[Geoprobe[Coring Crew member. This entrylevel position supports the crew leader in providing an array of environmental services to clients such as Construction, Industrial, and consultants/engineers. Work mostly consists of assistingin the operation of a[Geoprobe[hydraulic coring rig taking subsurface core samples. All work is performed at the customers site so short stays from home and overnight travel is minimal but required. Company provides lodging and per[diem[for projects requiring out of town travel. Workday is typically Monday-Friday with occasional weekends. Days are often long and begin early in the morning.[Industrial experience is required. Any form of environmentalexperience is a plus. *[REQUIREMENTS : *[Must have or be able to acquirean Alliance basic plus safety card and[TWIC*[. Company will pay for safety card certification. *[Must have valid Driver's License

[Following are qualities and aptitudes necessary for, and duties of a successful[Geoprobe[Driller's Helper / Technician. *[Safety[- all tasks must be completed safely. Training will be provided and unsafe practices will lead to termination. *[Physically fit[- This is demanding position with frequent heavy lifting and long days that occurs in all weather types. *[Dependable[- Being a critical part of the team your attendance is necessary to avoid any business interruptions. *[Flexibility and Patience[- Frequent customer changes and project needs require the ability to adapt and change at a moments notice. This is not a boring repetitive job. *[Focus[- Equipment is always in use and requires focus on the task to remain safe and to perform the operation as efficiently as possible. *[Problem Solving Skills[- Ability to identify problems and determine the best course of action to correct. *[Organized, Clean/Neat[- Successful, safe, and efficient operation requires staying organized and keeping work site free of hazards. []{times="" new="" roman",s=""}]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}*]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}]{verdana",sans-serif"=""}
