Job Information

Louisiana Department of State Civil Service Auditor-Internal in Baton Rouge, Louisiana


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$5,375.00 - $10,546.00 Monthly


Baton Rouge, LA

Job Type


Job Number



Culture Rec & Tourism-Off of Sec'y

Opening Date


Closing Date

3/25/2025 11:59 PM Central

  • Description

  • Benefits

  • Questions

Supplemental Information

This is a full time position located at the Capitol Annex Building in Baton Rouge, LA.

About this position:

This position serves as chief auditor for the Office of the Lieutenant Governor (OLG) and Department of Culture, Recreation, and Tourism (DCRT). The incumbent reports directly to the Deputy Secretary of the department.

This job requires the incumbent be experienced and knowledgeable of Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS) and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and be capable of independently applying these standards. An up to date CPA or CIA is required for this position. Activities include determining if:

1) program operations are effective and desired results and objectives are being achieved,

2) policies and procedures are adequate and conform to applicable laws and regulations,

3) resources are fully accounted for, adequately safeguarded, managed, and used in an economical and efficient manner,

4) cash management practices and financial operations are properly conducted, and

5) appropriate internal accounting and administrative controls have been established and effectively implemented.

45% - Plans, coordinates, and conducts all internal audits of the activities of the department. Provides Deputy Secretary with reports of individual audits and periodic summaries of findings and recommendations. Coordinates audit planning and other internal auditing activities with external auditors. Initiates special audits and performs studies to provide assistance to management in solving problems.

15% - Using a Risk Base Assessment of all divisions, prepares an annual audit plan for the department. Develops audit policies, procedures, and standards by which to conduct audits. Provides a structural and consistent approach to resolving audit findings.

15% - Reviews the effectiveness of internal controls in safeguarding assets, achieving efficiency and economy in operations, obtaining compliance with state and federal regulations and achieving desired results. Reviews policies and procedures of all DCRT agencies, including Office of Management and Finance (OMF), to determine adequacy and consistency with state and federal laws. Interprets rules, regulations, and statutes for applicability to operations of the department's program.

10% - Provides a tracking system to follow-up on all findings on Internal and external audits. Provides guidance to Directors while they implement procedures to resolve the deficiency and determine the adequacy of resolve action taken.

5% - Monitors audit-related legislation and advises Deputy Secretary and legislative coordinator during legislative process.

5% - Serves as the department's liaison with external auditors.

5% - Conducts internal investigations concerning activities of employees and contractors as directed by Deputy Secretary. Performs special reviews for fraud, follow-up on allegations, and coordination of activities with law enforcement when necessary.

No Civil Service test scoreis required in order to be considered for this vacancy.

To apply for this vacancy, click on the “Apply ( ” link and complete an electronic application, which can be used for this vacancy as well as future job opportunities. Applicants are responsible for checking the status of their application to determine where they are in the recruitment process. Further status message information is located under the Information section of the Current Job Opportunities page.

*Resumes WILL NOT be accepted in lieu of completed education and experience sections on your application. Applications may be rejected if incomplete. *

The Office of the Lieutenant Governor and the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism are participants in the E-Verify system for identification and employment eligibility purposes.

Louisiana as a State, is a Model Employer for People with Disabilities.

For further information about this vacancy contact:

Pacee Wallace

Department of Culture, Recreation, & Tourism

1051 N. 3rdStreet

Baton Rouge, LA 70802

Phone: 225-342-8202

Minimum Qualifications


Six years of experience in accounting or auditing; OR

Six years of full-time experience in any field plus twenty-four semester hours in one or a combination of the following: accounting, auditing, business, finance, management, economics, quantitative methods, or information systems plus three years of experience in accounting or auditing; OR

A bachelor’s degree with twenty-four semester hours in one or a combination of the following: accounting, auditing, business, finance, management, economics, quantitative methods, or information systems plus three years of experience in accounting or auditing; OR

A bachelor’s degree plus a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) license, Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), or Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) designation plus three years of experience in accounting or auditing; OR

A bachelor’s degree in accounting, auditing, finance, business administration, management, economics, information systems, quantitative methods, or statistics plus three years of experience in accounting or auditing; OR

An advanced degree in accounting, auditing, finance, business administration, management, economics, information systems, quantitative methods, or statistics plus two years of experience in accounting or auditing.

Job Concepts


To serve as the head auditor for an internal audit program.


Program Manager.


Typically from the head of agency or his/her designee.


Project and functional over agency personnel as needed to fulfill the internal audit mission.


May be used by all state agencies.


Differs from Auditor 4 by the presence of having full responsibility for managing the internal auditing program of a department.

Differs from Audit Manager by the absence of management duties over an audit division comprised of multiple subordinates.

Examples of Work


Manages all aspects of an agency's internal audit program, including developing an internal audit charter, the annual assessment of risks, and annual audit plans.

On a continuing basis, evaluates internal control structures to include data processing controls, both general and application.

Provide a tracking system to follow-up on all findings of internal and external audits.

May perform performance, compliance, and operational audits of agency programs. Performs validity and accuracy tests of agency performance measures.

Interprets laws, rules, and regulations which will impact the audit program at an agency and ensure agency compliance with all mandated changes.

Louisiana State Government represents a wide variety of career options and offers an outstanding opportunity tomake a differencethrough public service. With an array of career opportunities in every major metropolitan center and in many rural areas, state employment provides an outstanding option to begin or continue your career.

As a state employee, you will earn competitive pay, choose from a variety of benefits, and have access to a great professional development program:

Insurance Coverage More information can be found at

Parental Leave– Up to six weeks paid parental leave

More information can be found at

Holidays and Leave – State employees receive the following paid holidays each year:

  • New Year's Day

  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day,

  • Mardi Gras,

  • Good Friday,

  • Memorial Day,

  • Independence Day,

  • Labor Day,

  • Veteran's Day,

  • Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.

* Additional holidays may be proclaimed by the Governor

State employees earn sick and annual leave which can be accumulated and saved for future use. Your accrual rate increases as your years of service increase.

Retirement – State of Louisiana employees are eligible to participate in various retirement systems (based on the type of appointment and agency for which an employee works). These retirement systems provide retirement allowances and other benefits for state officers and employees and their beneficiaries. State retirement systems may include (but are not limited to):

  • Louisiana State Employees Retirement System ( LASERS has provided this video ( to give you more detailed information about their system

  • Teacher's Retirement System of Louisiana (,

  • Louisiana School Employees Retirement System (, among others


    If you have twenty-four semester hours in one or a combination of the following: accounting, auditing, business, finance, management, economics, quantitative methods, or information systems from an accredited institution indicate the course titles, semester hours earned, and the institution. (Ex. ACCT 2001 – Introductory Financial Accounting – 3 hrs - LSU) If you do not enter N/A .


    Do you possess any of the following designations/certifications? This information should also be included in the Certificates/Licenses section of your application.

  • Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

  • Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)

  • Certified Internal Auditor (CIA)

  • None of the above


    If you are qualifying for this position with one of the degree options provide the level of degree, major as given on your official transcript, school name, and date earned for each degree you have completed. Example: (Bachelor in biology at Louisiana State University May 2012) If you are not qualifying under a degree option enter N/A.

    Required Question


State of Louisiana


For agency contact information, please refer to

the supplemental information above.

Louisiana State Civil Service, Louisiana, 70802


(866) 783-5462



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