Job Information

TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION E280 Bridge Geotechnical Engineer I, II, III, or IV - Bridge Division in Austin, Texas

Transportation Engineer I:Performs geotechnical engineering in the functional areas of design, construction, and maintenance. Ensures compliance with applicable federal and state laws, policies, procedures, standards and guidelines. Work requires contact with governmental officials and private entities. Employees at this level follow standard practices that do not require frequent supervision of details.Transportation Engineer II:Performs complex geotechnical engineering in the functional areas of design, construction, and maintenance. Ensures compliance with applicable federal and state laws, policies, procedures, standards and guidelines. Work requires contact with governmental officials and private entities. Employees at this level perform work independently on assignments; however all unusual issues are referred to the supervisor.Transportation Engineer III:Performs advanced and complex geotechnical engineering in the functional areas of design, construction, and maintenance. Ensures compliance with applicable federal and state laws, policies, procedures, standards and guidelines. Work requires contact with governmental officials and private entities. Employees at this level establish their own work plan and priorities to meet set objectives. Issues are rarely referred to the supervisor but are handled at the occurrence.Transportation Engineer IV:Performs highly advanced and complex geotechnical engineering in the functional areas of design, construction, and maintenance. Ensures compliance with applicable federal and state laws, policies, procedures, standards and guidelines. Work requires contact with governmental officials and private entities. Employees at this level are virtually self-supervising and assume direct accountability for the work product.Essential Duties:Transportation Engineer I:Designs moderately complex bridge foundation and retaining wall projects and performs specialized design.Develops and/or reviews engineering related documents, correspondence, reports and remediation plans.Assists in reviewing shop drawings prepared by fabricators for retaining walls and related structures.Assists in the development of specifications for special geotechnical design details and projects.Makes presentations and represents TxDOT.Monitors consultants' progress and work quality; checks invoices and associated documents; prepares supplemental agreements.Represents the division at various meetings.Reviews designs and detailed drawings of bridge foundations and retaining structures prepared by other engineers and technicians.Reviews shop drawings, plans, specifications, estimates, supplemental agreements and change order requests.Drives to project/work locations to make on-site engineering reviews, analyses, tests and to provide technical support.Transportation Engineer II andndash; Performs all of the above duties plus:Designs complex bridge foundation and retaining wall projects and performs specialized design.Serves as a primary help desk resource for routine technical and policy issues.Updates, reviews, monitors, and/or reviews requests for changes to plans, manuals and/or standard sheets.Develops training courses and/or materials.Represents the district/division at technical meetings and public hearings at local, state, federal and/or international levels.Acts in an advisory capacity on administrative, technical, regulatory and engineering aspects of transportation.Transportation Engineer III - Performs all of the above duties plus:Designs highly complex bridge foundation and retaining wall projects and performs specialized design.Performs advanced and complex engineering design work such as development of layouts, sketches, plans, specifications, estimates and contracts.Transportation Engineer IV - Performs all of the above duties plus:Chairs or serves as a member of a contract selection team.Coordinates and/or monitors consultant contracts related projects.Develops short-term and long-term goals and coordinates pl nning activities and resources required to meet goals.Monitors contract performance, evaluates contract deliverables, reviews billing documentation, monitors the consultant's compliance with the terms of the contract, and/or prepares and delivers a written evaluation of the consultant's performance.Serves as a project manager overseeing consultants performing advanced and complex engineering work.
